My Publications
- Jonathan Buch, Joachim Arrasz & Tammo van Lessen: Logging – Schnelleinstieg, E-Book. Frankfurt:, 2014.
- Tammo van Lessen, Daniel Lübke & Jörg Nitzsche: Geschäftsprozesse automatisieren mit BPEL. Heidelberg: dpunkt Verlag, 2011.
Book Chapters
- Dimka Karastoyanova, Tammo van Lessen, Frank Leymann, Zhilei Ma, Jörg Nitzsche & Branimir Wetzstein: “Semantic Business Process Management: Applying Ontologies in BPM”, in Handbook of Research on Business Process Modeling, J. Cardoso & W. van der Aalst, Eds. Information Science Publishing, 2009, 312–330.
- Tammo van Lessen: “Wissen, was läuft – Mit Laufzeitmetriken den Überblick behalten”, JavaMagazin 11/2014, Oct. 2014.
- Daniel Lübke, Tammo van Lessen, Walter Berli & Walter Möckli: “Large Scale Business Process Integration – Zwischen Grundbüchern, Banken und Notaren – Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen”, Business Technology 03/2013, Aug. 2013.
- Tammo van Lessen: “Apache Buildr – die Mavenalternative?”, JavaMagazin 01/2013, 109–112, Dec. 2012. ( PDF)
- Daniel Lübke & Tammo van Lessen: “Testobjekt: Geschäftsprozess – Geschäftsagilität durch Tests sichern”, JavaMagazin 05/2012, 91–95, Apr. 2012. ( PDF)
- Dimka Karastoyanova, Tammo van Lessen & Ralph Mietzner: “BPM außerhalb der Verwaltung: Ein Blick über den Tellerrand”, Business Technology 3.2010 - Prozesse, 54–58, Oct. 2010.
- Tammo van Lessen, Daniel Lübke & Simon Moser: “Open-Source-BPEL-Orchester Teil 3: Faults & Regression – Wenn mal jemand im BPEL Orchester schief spielt”, JavaMagazin 03/2010, 74–78, Feb. 2010. ( PDF)
- Daniel Lübke, Simon Moser & Tammo van Lessen: “Open-Source-BPEL-Orchester Teil 2: Proben im BPEL Orchester”, JavaMagazin 02/2010, 63–66, Jan. 2010. ( PDF)
- Simon Moser, Tammo van Lessen & Daniel Lübke: “Open-Source-BPEL-Orchester”, JavaMagazin 01/2010, 62–68, Dec. 2009. ( PDF)
Journal Papers (Peer Reviewed)
- Daniel Lübke & Tammo van Lessen: “Modeling Test Cases in BPMN for Behavior-Driven Development”, IEEE Software, vol. 33, no. 5, 15-21, Sep. 2016.
- Tammo van Lessen, Jörg Nitzsche & Frank Leymann: “Conversational Web Services: Leveraging BPEL light for Expressing WSDL 2.0 Message Exchange Patterns”, Enterprise Information Systems, vol. 3, no. 3, 347–367, Aug. 2009.
- Jörg Nitzsche, Tammo van Lessen, Dimka Karastoyanova & Frank Leymann: “Composing Services on the Grid Using BPEL4SWS”, Multiagent and Grid Systems, vol. 4, Dec. 2008. ( PDF)
- Jörg Nitzsche, Tammo van Lessen, Dimka Karastoyanova & Frank Leymann: “WSMO/X in the context of business processes: improvement recommendations”, International Journal of Web Information Systems, vol. 3, no. 1, 89–103, Jan. 2007.
Conference Papers (Peer Reviewed)
- Daniel Lübke & Tammo van Lessen: “Modeling Test Cases in BPMN for Behavior-Driven Development (Zusammenfassung)”, in Software Engineering 2017, 2017, vol. -267, 85–86. ( PDF)
- Daniel Lübke & Tammo van Lessen: “BPMN-based Model-Driven Testing of Service-based Processes”, in Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling: 18th International Conference, BPMDS 2017, 22nd International Conference, EMMSAD 2017, 2017, 119–133.
- Oliver Kopp, Lasse Engler, Tammo van Lessen, Frank Leymann & Jörg Nitzsche: “Interaction Choreography Models in BPEL: Choreographies on the Enterprise Service Bus”, in Subject-Orientation as Enabler for the Next Generation of BPM Tools and Methods - Second International Conference S-BPM ONE 2010, 2011, vol. 138. ( PDF)
- Marc Bischof, Oliver Kopp, Tammo van Lessen & Frank Leymann: “BPELscript: A Simplified Script Syntax for WS-BPEL 2.0”, in 2009 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2009), 2009, 39–46. ( PDF)
- Ralph Mietzner, Tammo van Lessen, Alexander Wiese, Matthias Wieland, Dimka Karastoyanova & Frank Leymann: “Virtualizing Services and Resources with ProBus: The WS-Policy-Aware Service and Resource Bus”, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) 2009, 2009. ( PDF)
- Tammo van Lessen, Frank Leymann, Ralph Mietzner, Jörg Nitzsche & Daniel Schleicher: “A Management Framework for WS-BPEL”, in Proceedings of the 6th IEEE European Conference on Web Services 2008, 2008, 187–196. ( PDF)
- Jörg Nitzsche, Tammo van Lessen & Frank Leymann: “Extending BPEL light for Expressing Multi-Partner Message Exchange Patterns”, in Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2008), 2008, 245–254. ( PDF)
- Carlos Pedrinaci, Christian Brelage, Tammo van Lessen, John Domingue, Dimka Karastoyanova & Frank Leymann: “Semantic Business Process Management: Scaling up the Management of Business Processes”, in Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) 2008, 2008, 546–553.
- Tammo van Lessen, Jörg Nitzsche & Frank Leymann: “Formalising Message Exchange Patterns using BPEL light”, in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC’08) Research Track, 2008, 353–360.
- Jörg Nitzsche, Tammo van Lessen & Frank Leymann: “WSDL 2.0 Message Exchange Patterns: Limitations and Opportunities”, in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2008), 2008. ( PDF)
- Dimka Karastoyanova, Tammo van Lessen, Frank Leymann, Zhilei Ma, Jörg Nitzsche, Branimir Wetzstein, Sami Bhiri, Manfred Hauswirth & Maciej Zaremba: “A Reference Architecture for Semantic Business Process Management Systems”, in Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008, 2008, 371–372.
- Tammo van Lessen, Branimir Wetzstein, Jörg Nitzsche, Zhilei Ma, Dimka Karastoyanova & Frank Leymann: “Geschäftsprozessmanagement Meets Semantic Web.”, in Tagungsband Science Meets Business. Stuttgarter Softwaretechnik Forum 2007, Fraunhofer IAO, 23. November 2007., 2007, 75–83. ( PDF)
- Jörg Nitzsche, Tammo van Lessen, Dimka Karastoyanova & Frank Leymann: “BPELlight”, in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2007), 2007, vol. 4714, 214–229. ( PDF)
Workshop Papers (Peer Reviewed)
- Daniel Lübke & Tammo van Lessen: “Modeling Test Cases in BPMN for Behavior-Driven Development (Extended Abstract)”, in Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures, EMISA 2016, 2016, vol. 1701, 1–4.
- Simon Harrer, Jörg Lenhard, Guido Wirtz & Tammo van Lessen: “Towards Uniform BPEL Engine Management in the Cloud”, in Proceedings des CloudCycle14 Workshops auf der 44. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2014.
- Tammo van Lessen, Jörg Nitzsche & Dimka Karastoyanova: “Facilitating Rich Data Manipulation in BPEL using E4X”, in Proceedings of the 1st Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition, ZEUS 2009, Stuttgart, Germany, March 2–3, 2009, 2009, vol. 438, 102–108.
- Carlos Pedrinaci, Dave Lambert, Branimir Wetzstein, Tammo van Lessen, Luchesar Cekov & Marin Dimitrov: “SENTINEL: a semantic business process monitoring tool”, in Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Ontology-supported Business Intelligence, OBI 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 27, 2008, 2008, vol. 308, 1–12. ( PDF)
- Oliver Kopp, Tammo van Lessen & Jörg Nitzsche: “The Need for a Choreography-aware Service Bus”, in YR-SOC 2008, 2008, 28–34. ( PDF)
- Jörg Nitzsche, Tammo van Lessen, Dimka Karastoyanova & Frank Leymann: “BPEL for Semantic Web Services (BPEL4SWS)”, in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Agents and Web Services in Distributed Environments AWeSome’07 – On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: OTM 2007 Workshops, 2007, vol. 4805, 179–188. ( PDF)
- Tammo van Lessen, Jörg Nitzsche, Marin Dimitrov, Mihail Konstantinov, Dimka Karastoyanova, Luchesar Cekov & Frank Leymann: “An Execution Engine for Semantic Business Processes”, in Proceedings of Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2007 Workshops, 2007, vol. 4907, 200–211. ( PDF)
- Jörg Nitzsche, Daniel Wutke & Tammo van Lessen: “An Ontology for Executable Business Processes”, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Business Process and Product Lifecycle Management (SBPM 2007) held in conjunction with the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007) Innsbruck, Austria, June 7, 2007, 2007, 52–63.
- Dimka Karastoyanova, Branimir Wetzstein, Tammo van Lessen, Daniel Wutke, Jörg Nitzsche & Frank Leymann: “Semantic Service Bus: Architecture and Implementation of a Next Generation Middleware”, in Proceedings of the Second International ICDE Workshop on Service Engineering (SEIW 2007), 2007, 347–354.
Technical Standards
- Object Management Group (OMG): “Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) Version 2.0”, Jan. 2011.
Technical Reports & Project Deliverables
- Jörg Nitzsche, Tammo van Lessen, Hagen Völzer & Xuan Zhou: “SUPER D11.4 Standards Watch and Assessment”, Mar. 2009.
- Bernhard Schreder, Ivan Martinez, James Scicluna, Maciej Zaremba, Sami Bhiri, Alex Simov, Jörg Nitzsche & Tammo van Lessen: “SUPER D7.7 SWS Based Business Process Architecture Prototype – Final Version”, Mar. 2009.
- Tammo van Lessen & Jörg Nitzsche: “SUPER D6.15 Execution Engine Architecture and Design – Version 2”, Mar. 2009.
- Raluca Zaharia, Ana Karla Alves de Medeiros, Tammo van Lessen, Jörg Nitzsche & Dong Liu: “SUPER D6.14 Process Execution Infrastructure Revision”, Mar. 2009.
- Liliana Cabral, Barry Norton, Jörg Nitzsche & Tammo van Lessen: “SUPER D4.6 BPMO to sBPEL Two Way Translation”, Sep. 2008.
- Luchesar Cekov, Tammo van Lessen & Mihail Konstantinov: “SUPER D6.6 Process Execution Engine – Final Implementation”, Sep. 2008.
- Luchesar Cekov, Tammo van Lessen, Carlos Pedrinaci & Branimir Wetzstein: “SUPER D6.8 Monitoring Tool – Implementation”, Sep. 2008.
- Tammo van Lessen, Jörg Nitzsche, Carlos Pedrinaci, Branimir Wetzstein & Maciej Zaremba: “SUPER D7.6 Semantic Service Bus”, Sep. 2008.
- Dimka Karastoyanova, Tammo van Lessen, Frank Leymann, Jörg Nitzsche & Daniel Wutke: “WS-BPEL Extension for Semantic Web Services (BPEL4SWS), Version 1.0”, Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Architektur von Anwendungssystemen, Apr. 2008.
- Jörg Nitzsche & Tammo van Lessen: “SUPER D1.10 BPEL for Semantic Web Services (BPEL4SWS) – Final Version”, Apr. 2008.
- Alessio Carenini, Jörg Nitzsche & Tammo van Lessen: “SUPER D4.7 sBPEL to BPEL4SWS Lifting and Lowering”, Apr. 2008.
- Maciej Zaremba, Sami Bhiri, Manfred Hauswirth, Branimir Wetzstein, Tammo van Lessen, Ingo Weber, Ivan Markovic, Christian Drumm, Alex Simov, Agata Filipowska, Graham Hench, Emilia Cimpian & Carlos Pedrinaci: “SUPER D7.5 Semantic Web Services-based Business Process Architecture and API – Final Version”, Mar. 2008.
- Agata Filipowska, Armin Haller, Monika Kaczmarek, Tammo van Lessen, Jörg Nitzsche & Barry Norton: “SUPER D1.3 Process Ontology Language and Operational Semantics for Semantic Business Processes”, Sep. 2007.
- Mihail Konstantinov, Tammo van Lessen, Federico Michele Facca, Walid Gaaloul, Gabriela Vulcu & Bernhard Schreder: “SUPER D6.2 Process Execution Engine First Prototype”, Sep. 2007.
- Carlos Pedrinaci, Branimir Wetzstein, Jörg Nitzsche, Tammo van Lessen, Luchesar Cekov & Marin Dimitrov: “SUPER D6.7 Monitoring and Management Tool – Architecture and Design”, Sep. 2007.
- Maciej Zaremba, Sami Bhiri, Manfred Hauswirth, Walid Gaaloul, Branimir Wetzstein, Tammo van Lessen, Ingo Weber, Markovic Ivan, Drumm Christian, Marek Kowalkiewicz, Agata Filipowska, Marek Wisniewski, Graham Hench, Alex Simov, Bernhard Schreder & Sebastian Stein: “SUPER D7.2 Semantic Web Services-based Business Process Architecture”, Sep. 2007.
- Tammo van Lessen, Dimka Karastoyanova, Jörg Nitzsche, Sami Bhiri, Walid Gaaloul, Marin Dimitrov, Bernhard Schreder, Graham Hench, Ana-Karla Alves de Medeiros, Sebastian Stein, Michael Oppitz & Gernot Zeissler: “SUPER D6.1 Execution Engine Design and Architecture”, Jan. 2007.
- Martin Hepp, Jana Koehler, Tammo van Lessen, Ivan Markovic, Jörg Nitzsche & Dumitru Roman: “SUPER D11.1 Overview and Assessment of Standards Relevant for SUPER”, Sep. 2006.
- Tammo van Lessen & Daniel Lübke: “BPM Integration Days 2013: Qualitätssicherung und Testen von automatisierten Geschäftsprozessen”, no. Presentation. Feb-2013.
- Tammo van Lessen & Jörg Nitzsche: “W-JAX/SOACON 2009: BPM meets Semantic Web”, no. Presentation. Nov-2009.
- Tammo van Lessen & Simon Moser: “JAX 2009: SOA-basierte Business Integration mit Eclipse BPEL und Apache ODE”, no. Presentation. Apr-2009.
- Tammo van Lessen: “W-JAX 2008: Web Services Orchestrierung mit BPEL 2.0 und Apache ODE”, no. Presentation. 37, Nov-2008.
- Tammo van Lessen, Armin Haller & Srdjan Komazec: “International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC) 2008: Tutorial on “Semantic Business Process Management””, no. Presentation. 200, Aug-2008.
Other Publications
- Tammo van Lessen: “Konzipierung und Entwicklung eines Repository für Geschäftsprozesse”, 2006.
- Tammo van Lessen, Steffen Pingel & Gerrit Schulz: “Seiteneffekte in Anwendungsfunktionalität: Aspekt- und Serviceorientierte Architekturen im Vergleich”, no. 52. 68, Dec-2005.
Bibliography in BibTeX, some publications are also listed at Google Scholar, DBLP, CSBIB, BibSonomy